turned simple into my "Now-Famous Lemon, Butter and Dill Sauce"!!!

I bought some chicken breasts, acorn squash, asparagus with little other thought than, this will be dinner.
The free form process of coming up with what eventually became this, what pretty cool.
I put the squash into the oven first, with a little butter, salt and paprika.
I noticed that we had some beets and radishes left over, so I spontaneously added roasted veggies when I combined carrots, onions and broccollini.  The beets and the radishes gave this such a great flavor, I could have put anything else with it.  The broccollini crisped up and gave a nice texture and crunch.
Our Chef Pipin Steamer (leftover from a long ago product shoot) did not disappoint again, cooking the asparagus to perfection.
I had let the chicken sit with some lemon zest to marinate, so I thought that a nice light sauce would go great.  Garden dill, juice of 2 lemons, half/half, butter and a pinch of sugar and corn starch, turned this inot a sauce that then turned the meal into something to write about.
My now famous lemon, butter dill sauce is known far and wide.
This photo does not do the roasted veggies justice, but it showcases the rest of the meal nicely.
I promise that the veggies, especially the beets and radishes tasted quite good.

heres another from fondue night.
pound cake, bananas, mini marsh mellows and strawberries to dip into this hideous brown sauce,
I guess I'll try it.  What's it called?  chock-o-late.


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