SHOULD have been salmon kabobs...Steelhead works too

Feeling the heat, I wanted to find a cooling summer recipe, so I went online and found salmon kabobs.  I thought that with some brown rice and a fruit salad would make a great meal.
My local Kroger is always hit and miss with seafood, especially salmon.  They had some, but it was not very thick and wouldnt do well on a skewer.  Looking at the options, I saw that the Steelhead trout was looking quite good, and it looks a LOT like salmon.
The recipe called for rosemary, but we are had rosemary dumplings the other day, so I went rogue, by using only s/p, olive oil and dried parsley.  
Kabobs were very simple tomatoes being the only other inhabitant.
106 degrees outside, even at dinner time here in Texas, so I skipped the grill, and cooked them in my cast iron skillet.
Fruit salad was melon-centric, honey do, cantaloup and water were the melons of the day.  I used my new melon baller and created a fun, cool salad that went well with the steelhead.  I went simple on the rice and only added a bay leaf during cooking.

This meal was Zachary approved and he ate quite a bit.  
So a nice cool, healthy meal was feed to the flock!


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