Herbed Scallops with Bacon and Shallots

so here's what you missed so far....
Ever notice that its hard to leave one of those high end grocery stores with less than a $150 bill?
I was at Central Market to get some good meats/fish...boy did I.
Huge chunks of salmon, lump crab meat and a whole sirloin, then we made the mistake of looking at other stuff, and next thing you know.....
I made Cousin Mike's Zesty Sauce, for the salmon, but thats a whole nuther post.
This sauce is an ancient family recipe that no one seems to know where it came from, but
it seems Cousin Mike had something to do with it.  We love it on steaks or salmon!!

Another trip to Central Market to find some large scallops...they did not dissappoint.  Next thing I know, I have $24 worth of beautiful scallops.  I skip over to the produce dept and baby bok choy and a shallot got my name written all over them.

"what recipe are you using?" asks the wife.
"recipe?" Said I.  "I'm just going to wrap it in some bacon..."
we skip together to the bacon isle.

My second attempt at uncured bacon, it tastes just as good, a bit different, but still tastes way like bacon.  Not sure how much nutrition I'm gaining, but I'll take the chance.

Scallops wrapped in bacon!  Could quite be the most perfect food combination ever thought of.
Seafood, and bacon.  Its healthy for you right?  I know its easy on the taste buds.
After wrapping in bacon, I placed a sprig of basil, dill and mint under each scallop.  
Sea salt and fresh cracked black on top, then a thinly sliced shallot on top with more dill and mint.
Quick saute' wilt with some rice wine vinegar on the bok choy, a few sliced cucumbers.  oh wait, I forgot to add the part where I had to cook Zachary a chicken patty, cause he thinks scallops are yukky!!!!!  Ever had one?
long pause.....no.
Thats ok, we're pretty adventurous in the kitchen and we normally have a back up plan for him.  Our rule is that he has to try at least a bite or two of everything before he tells us he doesn't like it.....each time we have it.
As anything would be if it were blanketed in bacon, the scallops we're,
very flavorful and filing.  The herbs, especially the mint, complimented the bacon/scallop flavor
quite well.  We will for sure be having the scallops in the future, matter of fact, we only used half of the scallops bought, so I'm dreaming of another incarnate.

Wow, I just thought of the few meals we have planned for this weekend and beyond.  
Second half of the Atlantic King salmon, 2 meals of awesome filets, scallops


  1. Yum!I know you have to cook scallops quickly.Did you bake them? Those must have been really thick to get the bacon done! The herbs sound wonderful with them!
    I just got a huge package of mint at the Asian market and have used it on just about everything this week! Kinda Springy, even if we are Springless this year.

  2. I broiled them. They were nice and large, so it worked out perfectly


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