Swordfish with Cucumber Sauce

I wanted to cook some swordfish last night for the first time.  I found a good recipe online with allrecipies.com and I was off to the races.  Dutchie is doing very well on her diet so we still try to feed the flock with things that we can all eat.  So I added simple lemon asparagus and a salad.  

The swordfish began with onions, garlic, chili paste, worcestershire sauce and lemon juice which all created the initial glaze.  I then grilled it on the stovetop grill.  In the meantime, I chopped cucumbers, and combined it with sour cream, lemon zest, lemon juice and s/p and put in the fridge.

I cheated and used the microwave to heat the asparagus.  I cut slices of lemons and used the pulp to season the asparagus during cooking.  I plated the veggi by inserting several stalks in the middle of the lemon rind.  Was a nice look.

Once the fish was done, I topped it with the cool refreshing cucumber sauce.
The glaze had a slight amount of spice/heat to it, but that was brilliantly counteracted by
the sauce.

Got 3 thumbs up on this meal!
Flock has been fed!


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