Eggs Benedict from Scratch!!!!

My ALL TIME favorite breakfast is Eggs Benedict.
I've made it several times, but used to use the package of
dry hollandaise mix, which I always thought was ok.
Now that I'm in culinary school, things have changed.  Last week
we learned the mother sauces, and I made the liquid gold from scratch for the
first time.  So 2 days later, I made it at home to create some eggie bennies.

First, I started the clarified butter which is basically to melt whole, unsalted, butter
and simmer it until it separates into 3 layers.  Skim out the foam on top, and 
strain it to remove all the solids that have settled at the bottom.  The remaining liquid
is clarified butter (also called drawn butter for lobster).

Then I grilled the canadian bacon, then did the reduction for the
hollandaise.  I also got the water and vinegar ready for the poached eggs.
I like to do the swirl method.  Water just hovering at the boiling point
is swirled or whirlpooled and then an egg is dropped in from a ramakin.
The swirling motion helps keep the egg together.
The poached eggs turned out great!  Nicely formed and
yolks were still slightly oey and goey.

It took some time management and focus to poach 5 eggs
and make the sauce so that everything was still warm, and the sauce
was just finished.

This is a close up of one of the eggs.

Egg yolks, reduction of vinegar and peppercorns, and clarified butter were
whipped up into liquid gold!  I cut out an yolk or 2 to attempt
to lessen the unhealthy aspect of this sauce.  I also used
a bit less of the clarified butter, which is mixed in slowly,
while whisking rapidly.  At the end, season with a little salt and a few drops of tabasco.
 Once it emulsifies and thickens, you have hollandaise sauce.

I like some vegetables on my bennies, so I layered it as follows;
whole wheat english muffin, arugula, canadian bacon, poached egg, 
tomato slice and topped with the sauce.
Not pictured is the avocado that I sliced and put on the side.

I managed to make a light tasting hollandaise, that was as thick and gloppy
as I had it in some restaurants.  The arugula added a bitterness and
different texture that added to the benedict experience.
I'm happy to add this to my culinary arsenal and will
be making this mother sauce as often as my arteries will allow!

Zachary ate a whole one, and said "It's good if you get everything in one bite." 

Flock had breakfast for dinner!!!!


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