Grilled Tilapia with fruit

I've been absent for a few weeks due to work commitments, but since the page views have gone down to nil, I thought I'd better do something so you guys dont forget about us. Dutchie is on a strict diet, Slim4Life, and I've been putting in hellacious hours at the edit suite, so there hasn't been much excitement going on at our dinner table. However....last night Dutchie cooked a meal that is very blog worthy! She grilled tilapia filets to perfection, then topped them with fruit, peaches & strawberries with basil and mint. This was simply plated with basmati rice and asparagus. All sticking to the confines of her diet, which include, but not limited to, NO oil, and only smart balance butter. Most of her special meals have had that "healthy or diet" quality to them, all taste relatively good, but you immediately feel that you are eating healthy. This meal was moist, delicious and a joy to eat. The fruit topping went so well with the grilled ...